This project is built using Maven. To build project: > mvn install Release ------- To create a new release of the project: > mvn release:prepare > mvn release:perform Notes on releasing to public repository --------------------------------------- - create a gpg key - upload gpg key to server: gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys 1B2CABB8 - Add repository passwords to .m2/settings.xml - To upload a snapshot to the SonaType repository > mvn clean deploy - To perform a release: > mvn release:prepare > mvn release:perform - Go to OSS NExus and publish: - Log in at - Select "Staging Repositories" - Select checkbox next to uploaded bundle - Press button "Close" - Select checkbox next to uploaded bundle - Press button "Release" - Verify that release is pushed to public repository (might take an hour) Eclipse ------- Using Eclipse, you need to install the Maven plug-in. Repository: Check out project by using the menu option "Check out as Maven Project" This should save you grief.