Special Build of OpenLayers
At the time the project was conceived, a newer version of OpenLayers was needed
than the latest release, for some features and bug fixes.
Subversion checks out trunk from OpenLayers, at a given revision.
Then, a compressed version of OpenLayers was created from the check out.
To upgrade to a newer version from source repository, update all external references
to the desired revision. Then, run python script to generate new compressed version.
Finally, test and commit changes.
> cd
(directory where readme.txt is located
> svn propedit svn:externals .
> svn up
> cd build
> ./build.py
> rm ../OpenLayers.js
> mv OpenLayers.js ../.
> cd ..
> svn ci
Debug build of OpenLayers
To debug OpenLayers, one need to include all the OpenLayers files in the parent
HTML file and drop the use of the compressed version of OpenLayers.
OpenLayers has a large set of files, and to include them all in the proper
order can be daunting. The script "all_libs.sh" generates the script statements
required for the parent HTML page.