Welcome to the Nunaliit project

Note: The Nunaliit Atlas Framework has been completely redesigned for version 2. It now lives at http://nunaliit.org. Version 1 will remain available through this site, v1.nunaliit.org although some links to mailing lists, etc. may cease to function.

The Nunaliit Cybercartographic Atlas Framework aims to make it easy to tell stories and highlight relationships between many different forms of information from a variety of sources, using maps as a central way to connect and interact with the data.

Currently, nunaliit consists of a schema for documenting the sources and interconnections between data, as well as software to convert that information into a highly interactive web atlas.

Did you know: The word nunaliit means "settlement", "community", or "habitat" in Inuktitut - the name given to the dialects of the Inuit language in Canada. Written in Syllabic Inuktitut, it appears at the very top right of this site.